Simcha Writes
The Whollyculturist
Welcoming me-self back with an introduction

Welcoming me-self back with an introduction

As Simcha: After my re-birth (on repetition as healing is a spiral)

Simcha Writes
The Whollyculturist
A channel to tune into: to study what it means to be Wholly: (Whole + Holy). The Sacred|Damned, Creative|Destructive, Light|Dark and everything in-between. Investigating + learning from diving Within|Between|Around Self. The intention: to inject Humanity with Wholliness. Inviting you to join me in the discovery + collaboration through this podcast, the virtual Study|Community "The Wholly School" as well as for you to embody your WHOLLY in your 3D World. THIS, my Bird calling out to the seekers of the World to Connect|Collaborate|Create together. Let us inject Humanity with all that is WHOLLY... leaving this place better than we found it.